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 In 2023, the Republic of Moldova cultivated sunflowers on approximately 388.9 thousand hectares. The climatic conditions were favorable for seed harvesting, resulting in an estimated production of 1.01 million tons. Of this, 300,461 tons of sunflower seeds were exported, over 170 thousand tons less than in 2022 and about 40 thousand tons less than in 2021.

The average price also dropped in 2023 to 10 lei/kg, compared to 15 lei/kg in 2022 and 11.7 lei/kg in 2021. The most intense export period was at the end of the year: October, November, and December. The best trading prices were recorded at the beginning of the year: January, February, and March. The main destination for Moldovan sunflower seeds is Romania, followed by Bulgaria and Turkey. The largest exporter in Moldova for the 2023 commercial year is Verum Agro Trading, one of the leading producers and exporters of grains and oilseeds in the Republic of Moldova. In 2023, the company supported farmers throughout the year and exported over 30,000 tons of sunflower seeds, ranking at the top.

"We always consider the farmers' needs and market changes. This way, we manage to face challenges and establish long-term partnerships – a key aspect in agro trading. The grain market, in the last three years, has been dominated by uncertainties. However, with a well-defined marketing strategy, a strong team, and flexibility, performance is ensured. Trading involves a chain with many links: from producer to buyer. When each of these works professionally, the result can only be very good. We will make maximum efforts to continue supporting farmers with storage and sales services for grains and oilseeds under advantageous conditions," said Alexandru Bărbuță, Chief Financial Officer of Verum Agro Trading.

Verum Agro Trading manages an integrated value chain, which includes cultivation, storage, sale, and delivery of agricultural products, cooperating with industrial consumers and international traders in 14 countries. Having been on the market for over 10 years, in addition to its own production cultivated on an area of 10 thousand hectares in northern Moldova, the company has also developed international trade under DAP, FOB, and CIF conditions.

In 2021, the group exported 20 thousand tons of grains and oilseeds, with sales revenue amounting to 368.8 million lei. In the first nine months of 2022, exports reached 60 thousand tons, and sales exceeded 600 million lei. In addition to grain trading, the company also provides grain storage services, owning one of the largest grain depots in northern Moldova, the elevator at Gura Camencii, Florești district. This elevator has a storage capacity of over 86 thousand tons and access to international transport routes. For 2024, the company plans to invest in expanding capacities, the range of cultivated agricultural crops, and increasing the export share.


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